Selasa, 09 April 2013

My Favorite Song

to see from youtube please click here

My Hometown (Beautiful Places in My Life)

my hometown in the city of Palembang.  Located in dr. M. Isa street  Fajar alley, eight ilir, Kuto Batu, Palembang, South Sumatera.  wooden house which is populated by three heads of the family is the most beautiful place in my life. There I grew up, although it's just an old a wooden house but I'm very happy to be there because there  it's always crowded filled by younger brothers and sisters , nieces and nephews who are always happy to play together, so every time I go there I feel like I do not want to go home to Bandar Lampung again.

Senin, 08 April 2013

My Lineage and Family Photos

My lineage, from my grand father to me

half of my life in them, and half of their life are in my life..
I love you my parents :*

Minggu, 07 April 2013

Tahukah anda siapa Salahuddin Al-ayyubi?

Salahuddin Ayyubi atau Saladin atau Salah ad-Din (Bahasa Arab: صلاح الدين الأيوبي, Kurdi: صلاح الدین ایوبی) (Sho-lah-huud-din al-ay-yu-bi) (c. 1138 - 4 Maret 1193) adalah seorang jendral dan pejuang muslim Kurdi dari Tikrit (daerah utara Irak saat ini). Ia mendirikan Dinasti Ayyubiyyah di Mesir,Suriah, sebagian Yaman, Irak, Mekkah Hejaz dan Diyar Bakr. Salahuddin terkenal di dunia Muslim dan Kristen karena kepemimpinan, kekuatan militer, dan sifatnya yang ksatria dan pengampun pada saat ia berperang melawan tentara salib. Sultan Salahuddin Al Ayyubi juga adalah seorang ulama. Ia memberikan catatan kaki dan berbagai macam penjelasan dalam kitab hadits Abu Dawud